HC Deb 11 December 1933 vol 284 cc15-6
33. Mr. McENTEE

asked the Postmaster-General whether, in view of the increased standard output per telegraph operator on the Morse instrument and the lower maintenance charges resulting from the use of the voice-frequency method and the reduction in operating costs generally, he will consider lowering the present telegraph charges to their pre-War level of 6d. per 12 words on weekdays and, particularly, to 1s. and½ d. per extra word on Sundays?


The primary object of the reorganisation of the telegraph service and the associated economies in working has been to improve efficiency and diminish the annual deficit. The possibility of reducing telegraph charges is constantly borne in mind, but I regret that such a step is not yet warranted by the financial position of the telegraph service.


Were not the existing charges put on as a war-time emergency measure; and, in view of the very considerable reduction in the cost of administration and transmission, could not at least some reduction be now considered?


A committee of the House inquired into this matter some little time ago, and they were rather averse from adopting the suggestion which the hon. Member has just made. I think I must deal with the deficit on the telegraph service first.

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