17. Mr. RHYS DAVI ESasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what steps the Polish Government have taken to carry out the suggestion made in the report of the League of Nations Council, on 30th January, 1932, that they should compensate the Ukrainian victims of police and military violence in Eastern Galicia?
§ Sir J. SIMONThe report adopted by the Council of the League of Nations contained an expression of regret that the Polish Government had not found it possible to grant compensation to certain Ukrainians. This view was shared by the British representative, speaking as chairman of the committee which had placed the matter on the agenda.
Mr. DAVIESIs there any power in the League of Nations to see that when representations of this kind are made compensation is given?
§ Sir J. SIMONIt is, of course a matter for the Council of the League, but as far as the British view is concerned representations were made by the British Government at the Council.