HC Deb 14 November 1932 vol 270 cc747-8
40. Mr. REMER

asked the Minister of Agriculture the reason why the Pig Industry Council report was handed to a committee of the National Farmers' Union and why it is refused to other people interested in agriculture; and, seeing that the members of the Pig Industry Council are all men engaged in the pig industry and that they attended over 100 meetings before arriving at a unanimous report, so that their opinions are of great value to agriculturists, he will now take steps to publish the report?


In reply to the first part of the question, I would point out that the National Farmers' Union appointed two representatives to the Pig Industry Council and it was with the knowledge of my predecessor that, exercising proper discretion, these representatives acquainted the Livestock Committee of the union with the substance of the report referred to. On the second part of the question I have nothing to add to the reply which I gave my hon. Friend on the 7th November.


Is it a fact that the reason this document is confidential is that it contains information for a tariff?


Not at all.

42. Captain P. MACDONALD

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether, in view of the fact that the scheme proposed by the Bacon Reorganisation Committee depends for its success on marketing schemes being put forward by the pig producers and bacon curers, it is his intention to permit the organisations representing these persons to put forward their own schemes in their own time; and, if so, whether any attempt has yet been made to commence the drawing up of such schemes?


I am not yet in a position to make a statement on this subject. I would, however, point out that schemes for both pig producers and bacon curers prepared by the Commission are printed as appendices to its report, and are available for consideration by organisations concerned.


Has the right hon. and gallant Gentleman any information from the organisations concerned that they are taking action on this report?


I have not yet, but I have done my best to draw the report to their attention, more particularly the delegation which recently interviewed me from a number of agricultural bodies.


Can we have an assurance that nothing will be done by the Government on the lines of the recommendations of the recent Commission unless and until the bacon producers themselves take steps in this direction?


It is impossible for me to give any assurance of any kind just now. The report has not been considered by the Cabinet, and we are not in a position to make a statement.


Has the right hon. and gallant Gentleman asked the organisations to give a date when they will be able to make up their minds on the report?


I thought it inadvisable to give an ultimatum about a date, but I urged on them the necessity of giving me their reasoned opinion on the report at the earliest possible moment.