HC Deb 30 May 1932 vol 266 c816
21. Major NATHAN

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will state to which Governments invitations have been issued to be represented at the Lausanne Conference, and the main items, in addition to reparations and war debts, comprised in the agenda circulated to such Governments; and whether any matters not on the agenda as circulated have been put forward by any Government for inclusion in the agenda?


Invitations to be represented at Lausanne on the 16th of June have now been sent on behalf of the six inviting Powers to the other Governments concerned with German Reparations, namely, those of Czechoslovakia, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Rumania and Yugoslavia, and also to His Majesty's Governments in the British Dominions concerned, and the Government of India. When the Conference comes to deal with other questions, invitations will no doubt be sent to any other Governments concerned. The terms of reference of the Conference are, as stated in the communiqué issued to the Press on the 13th of February last— to agree on a lasting settlement of the questions raised in the report of the Basle experts and on the measures necessary to solve the other economic and financial difficulties which are responsible for, and may prolong, the present crisis. No detailed agenda for the Conference has been drawn up or circulated and the last part of the question does not therefore arise.


In the event of matters other than war debts and reparations being discussed, will invitations be sent to countries other than those which were belligerents in the late War?


If my hon. and gallant Friend will read the answer, he will see that that point is covered.