HC Deb 12 May 1932 vol 265 c2063

asked the Home Secretary the reason for the police attack on Mayday demonstrators in the London area when banners were seized; and how many persons were arrested?


I cannot accept the hon. Member's description of this incident. At the meeting in Hyde Park the chief marshal of the gathering announced that a procession would march to demonstrate at the Chancery of the Japanese Embassy. Although a warning was given by the police that this would not be allowed, part of the procession leaving the Park endeavoured to carry out this intention. Disorder resulted, in the course of which missiles were thrown, injuring several police officers. Eight persons were arrested, and the charges against them were dealt with at the Marylebone and Marlborough Street Police Courts on the following day. Some banners and banner poles were discarded by the demonstrators and some poles were seized by the police because they were being used as weapons. One other person had been arrested at an earlier stage on the Victoria Embankment and charged with disorderly conduct and assaulting a constable.