HC Deb 27 June 1932 vol 267 cc1462-4
26. Colonel GRETTON

asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department the numbers of the staff of the Overseas Trade Department outside the offices in London and the total of their salaries; if any outside staff is employed overseas; and if any of the above are included in the numbers and salaries already published?

Mr. JOHN COLVILLE (Secretary, Overseas Trade Department)

I have had a detailed statement prepared giving particulars of the Department's overseas staff which with my hon. and gallant Friend's permission I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Does that statement cover the last part of the question?


Yes, Sir; the statement which I am giving shows the overseas staff. I gave a statement to the House a week ago showing the headquarters staff in this country.

Following is the statement:

STATEMENT showing Overseas Staff of the Department of Overseas Trade.
Trade Commissioner Service.
Trade Commissioners 19
Assistants 16
Imperial Trade Correspondents 7
Commercial Diplomatic Service.
Commercial Diplomatic Officers Assistants 37
Assistants 8
Total number of officers 87
Clerical and Messenger Staff.
Of above two services 177
Grand total 264

Note.—Of the above 87 officers, 80 are permanent established civil servants, stationed at 49 different posts, while the remaining seven are Imperial Trade Correspondents, who receive a small retaining fee for part-time services.

The total emoluments, including salary and all allowances, except office allowances, received by these 87 officers as shown in the Estimates, amount to £141,205 per annum.

The salaries and wages of the 177 clerical and messenger staff are defrayed from office allowances. The aggregate of these allowances (which, however, include besides salaries, other important items such as office rent and furniture, expenditure on lighting, heating, cleaning, postage and telegrams, etc., etc.) amount to £67,855.

In addition to administering the Trade Commissioner and Commercial Diplomatic Services, the Department deals with the Commercial side of the work of His Majesty's Consular Service.

The number of Consular Posts is as follows:—

Salaried 229
Unsalaried 386
Total 615

The cost of the Consular Service is borne on the Foreign Office Vote.