HC Deb 23 June 1932 vol 267 cc1241-2
19. Mr. LUNN

asked the Home Secretary how long he proposes to continue the reduction of the gross pay of new entrants to the police force of this country from 70s. to 55s. per week; what period must elapse before the first increment takes place; and when the entrant can hope to reach the normal rate of pay he would have been in receipt of prior to the introduction of the economy proposals?


Under the provisional scale of pay for new entrants, which was introduced last year, the pay of a constable is 55s. weekly on first appointment and rises to 57s. 6d. at the end of one year and to 60s. weekly a year later. The scale as a whole remains to be fixed after a full inquiry which my right hon. Friend hopes to initiate shortly.


Can the Under-Secretary tell me at what period the new entrants will reach the normal wage of 70s. per week?


This is a provisional scale and only provides for two annual increments. It is anticipated that before the period expires the full inquiry will be made and a permanent scale established.