HC Deb 16 February 1932 vol 261 cc1443-4
31. Mr. HANNON

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to the difficulty of securing licences from the Persian Government for the export of British manufactured bicycles to that country; and if he will take the necessary measures through diplomatic channels to enable orders for British bicycles given by purchasing agents in Persia to be executed?


My attention had not been previously called to this particular case, but I am fully aware of the difficulties which have been occasioned to British export trade generally by the import restrictions imposed in Persia under the trade monopoly law. My hon. Friend may rest assured that His Majesty's Minister at Tehran is taking all possible steps to secure an alleviation of the position.


Will the right hon. Gentleman make representations again

The following table shows, in respect of the undermentioned commodities, the total quantity and declared value of the imports into the United Kingdom during 1931 consigned from the countries specified.
Description. Country whence consigned. Unit of quantity. Quantity. Declared Value
Plywood Finland Thousand sq. ft. 108,254 623,814
Latvia Thousand sq. ft. 49,771 285,526
Soap: Hard, in bars or tablets, United States Cwt. 28,965 48,921
excluding toilet, shaving and abrasive. France Cwt. 24,695 35,041
Linen piece goods:
Plain, unbleached Belgium Thousand sq. yards. 3,118 151,644

NOTE.—The above figures are provisional.


asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will give the figures for individual months, July to December, 1931, of acetic acid imported through the diplomatic channels and try and facilitate the access of these products of ours?


That is exactly what is taking place now.

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