§ 40. Mr. CHORLTONasked the Minister of Health, in view of the water supply in certain districts being deficient whilst in other districts there is an abundant supply, if he will set up an inquiry to ascertain the total available good water supplies of the country with a view to a balanced distribution?
Sir H. YOUNGA comprehensive inquiry such as is proposed would cost a good deal of public money, and as at present advised I am not of opinion that it would add enough to the information already available to justify such an expenditure. The ascertainment of supplies is only part of the problem. The most practical procedure is the formation of advisory regional water committees systematically to surevy needs and resources and to formulate programmes for 977 meeting the needs in the most effective and economical way.
§ Mr. CHORLTONCan the right hon. Gentleman take steps to form these regional committees all over the country, as only two or three exist, and the need of overcoming any epidemics due to deficient water supplies is really very great?
Sir H. YOUNGCertainly, no opportunity will be missed of calling the attention of local authorities to the advantage of the formation of these regional committees.