HC Deb 19 April 1932 vol 264 c1387

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware that the provisions of the Agricultural Land (Utilisation) Act, 1931, with regard to allotments for unemployed persons, have been nullified by the Government's failure to provide any funds for that purpose; and whether, in view of the prevailing unemployment in many parts of Scotland, provision will now be made for allotments for unemployed persons in terms of the Act?


I am aware that, owing to the financial stringency, it has been impossible, up to the present, to provide for any scheme of State assistance for the purpose mentioned in the question; but, as the hon. Member is no doubt aware, a voluntary scheme has been organised by the Scottish National Union of Allotment Holders and the Society of Friends, and it is hoped that the funds at their disposal will be sufficient to meet the applications by unemployed persons in Scotland for assistance in cultivating allotments during the present year.