HC Deb 23 September 1931 vol 256 cc1641-2

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that internal drainage boards are unable to levy rates or meet. precepts levied upon them by catchment boards on account of the Land Drainage Act, 1930, providing for the basis of assessment being changed from that of acreage to annual value; and what steps he will take to put these boards in a position to function properly during the period necessary for reassessment?


I am aware that in the case of many of the smaller internal boards the difficulty referred to by my hon. Friend has arisen; but any alteration of the basis of assessment would require legislation, which is impracticable at present. I can only suggest that drainage boards who are experiencing difficulty should make their own temporary arrangements to deal with the situation until they have completed their records on which the required valuation on the basis of annual value is made.


May I further ask the right hon. Gentleman what temporary arrangements these internal drainage boards can make in order to levy rates for the purpose of proceeding with their work, when some of these boards have 3,000 or 4,000 different assessments on different people upon whom they cannot levy any rate in order to carry on the work of drainage in their districts?


It must be left to each drainage board to take the course that is most suitable to it. They have had a, considerable period—over a year —in which they might in many cases have been proceeding with arrangements, which they have failed to do.


Is it not a fact that these internal drainage boards have been in correspondence with the right hon. Gentleman's Department for at least 12 months, and that they have no locus standi as regards levying rates unless the Department will move by way of a small amending Bill or by regulations?


Is not the solution of the hon. Member's problem to be found in a, Clause in the 1929 Drainage Bill, which enables an authority to collect a debt as a civil debt?


Obviously, legislation would be required in order to pursue the line indicated by the hon. Member for Holland-with-Boston (Mr. Blindell), and legislation is out of the question at the present time.