HC Deb 22 September 1931 vol 256 cc1444-5

asked the Secretary for Mines whether he has considered representations submitted from miners' lodges, churches, and various kinds of societies and organisations, during recent months, supporting proposals for a single-shift working day for pit horses and ponies; for improving regulations to provide better lighted roadways of adequate height and width, and properly laid, and without holes being cut between sleepers, to allow the animals to work in greater comfort and less danger; for a regulation prohibiting the use of ponies on steep inclines, and also the practice of attaching horses and ponies in front of loaded tubs going downhill; and the training of boys for at least one year before they are certified to take charge of a pony underground for driving purposes; and whether he intends to take steps immediately to adopt these reforms?


I have not yet had opportunity to consider these representations in detail, but generally I am aware of their purport. As my predecessors have done, I shall reinforce by my personal attention the unremitting efforts of my Department to ensure that the present standard, which generally, to the credit of the industry, is a good one, shall be maintained and where necessary improved.


Is it the intention of the hon. Gentleman to follow the official inquiry made into these matters by his predecessor, with a view to further improvements?


I thought my answer implied that. I have reason to believe that at all these collieries proper inspections are being made, and wherever action is necessary it will be taken.


Has the hon. Gentleman in his mind the question of compulsory orders for sufficient height and width of roadways for ponies and traffic to pass?


That is a question of detail, which I would prefer to be put upon the Order Paper.