HC Deb 22 September 1931 vol 256 cc1443-4

asked the Secretary for Mines whether he can give the House any information with regard to the conference of European coal owners convened by the Central Council of Coal Owners; and what is the purpose of the conference?


I am informed that the Central Council have invited the organisations representative of the colliery owners in the principal coal-producing countries of Europe to a conference to be held in London on the 30th September to discuss the possibility of formulating arrangements for regulating the supply and conditions of supply of coal so as to secure a more stable and more economic basis of operation for the coal mining industry in the various countries.


Can the hon. Gentleman say whether the Department will be represented at this conference and whether the interests of the British coal miners will be safeguarded?


My hon. Friend will understand that the arrangements for this conference have been made by the colliery owners themselves. I have no power of intervention unless I am asked to intervene, nor have I power to ask for the miners to be represented. Of course when, later on, the whole question comes up for consideration at Geneva, then all the several interests will have their proper representation.


But is the hon. Member aware that this conference is largely the result of the recommendations of the Scandinavian delegation, and having regard to the interest manifested by the Department in this international conference would it not be wise to have the Department represented?


Of course, if the Department are invited to be represented, I shall be happy to comply, but I have no power to dictate in what is to all intents and purposes a private conference.