HC Deb 06 October 1931 vol 257 c979

(by Private Notice) asked the Minister of Agriculture whether his attention has been called to the rapid spread of the Colorado Beetle in France towards the Channel coast; and what action he proposes to take for the safety of our potato crops from this serious danger?


Yes, Sir. I am aware of the situation which has caused me much anxiety. I am advised that it demands drastic measures, and I propose within the next few days to make an Order under the Destructive Insects and Pests Acts to the following effect, namely, to prohibit totally as from the 15th March next, the entry of potatoes grown anywhere in France, and of nursery stock and living plants grown within 200 kilometres of any place where the Colorado Beetle is known to exist; and to prohibit, for the period from the 15th March to the 14th October in each year, the entry of raw vegetables grown within the same distance from any such place.