HC Deb 18 November 1931 vol 259 cc827-8

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he has received any information from the Polish Government concerning the situation in the Ukraine; and whether, in view of the fact that the Conference of Ambassadors of 1923 only agreed to the inclusion of Eastern Galicia within the boundaries of Poland on condition that the Ukrainians should receive autonomy and should be assured of the rights guaranteed by the League of Nations under the minorities treaties, any steps have yet been taken by the Polish Government to carry out these conditions?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. As regards the second part, in so far as concerns the institution of a form of autonomy in those provinces of Poland which are inhabited by a majority of Ukrainians, the position remains as stated in the answer given to my hon. Friend on the 29th April last by the then Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. In so far as concerns the rights conferred on minorities in Poland by the treaty of the 28th June, 1919, I would remind my hon. Friend that allegations that such rights have been denied to persons of Ukrainian race form the subject of the petitions which, as I informed my hon. Friend the Member for Ripon (Major Hills), last Monday, have been placed on the Agenda for the January Session of the Council of the League of Nations.


Can the hon. Member say when the committee of three is likely to meet again?


It depends on what is done by the Council.


Is it not the fact that the Polish Government have already taken steps on behalf of the Ukrainian minority?


I hope that is so.