55. Mr. MACLEANasked the Lord Advocate the total number of presiding officers and clerks who were employed in the St. Rollox by-election at the polling stations and counting of the votes; and whether he can state the number so employed who were registered at the Labour Exchanges as unemployed?
§ The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for SCOTLAND (Mr. Westwood)I have made inquiry, and I am informed that at the recent by-election in the St. Rollox Division 150 presiding officers and clerks were employed at the polling stations and 25 enumerators at the counting of the votes. Of the 150 presiding officers, and clerks, 85 were unemployed persons, but I am unable to say how many were registered at the Employment Exchanges. The counting of the votes was carried out by members of the Sheriff Clerk's staff.
Mr. MACLEANWhy could not the same principle be adopted at the counting of the votes as is adopted at the polling stations, since the counting of the votes was evidently done by members of the staff of the sheriff's office?
§ Mr. WESTWOODThat is an entirely different matter, and, as the presiding officer was directly responsible for the success of the work, he must have the responsibility of appointing the staff.
Mr. MACLEANIs it not the case that the staff is already there and is receiving payment for being on the permanent staff of the sheriff's office, and this is extra work for which they get extra payment?
§ Major COLVILLECan the hon. Gentleman say why in this instance there were so few Socialist votes to count?