HC Deb 13 May 1931 vol 252 cc1181-2

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware of the congestion which is caused on arterial roads by slow-moving traffic proceeding down the middle of the road instead of keeping to the left; whether he will consider the possibility of erecting signs at the entrances to such roads warning vehicles to keep to the left; and whether he will confer with the Home Office with a view to utilising the mobile police to deal with this cause of congestion?


The recently issued Highway Code contains a definite injunction to drivers of slow-moving vehicles to keep to the left of the road, and I do not, therefore, consider that the signs which the hon. and gallant Member suggests are necessary. I will consult my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State as to whether there is any necessity to draw the special attention of the mobile police to the matter.

Captain HUDSON

Will the right hon. Gentleman make a special inquiry into-this matter, which is undoubtedly a great source of danger on our present arterial roads? Will he investigate it personally?


Will the right hon. Gentleman consider the advisablity of having a central core on these roads, so that there would be two single-direction roads?


There are objections to that proposal. The hon. and gallant Member will, however, see that I already attach importance to the matter by including it in the Code, and I will consult the Home Secretary as to whether the mobile police should be given directions on the point.