HC Deb 10 June 1931 vol 253 cc1019-20
71. Mr. BEAUMONT (for Viscount LYMINGTON)

asked the Postmaster- General the total amount paid out annually by the agency of the Post Office in War pensions, old age pensions, and widows' pensions, etc., and in repayment of savings certificates on behalf of other departments, and the total sum collected annually in the sale of savings certificates, insurance stamps, revenue stamps and licences, etc.?


As the answer involves a large number of figures I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

For the 12 months ended 31st March, 1931, the figures asked for are as follow:

Payments Out. £
1. War Pensions (i. e. payments made on behalf of Ministry of Pensions) 40,534,000
2. Old Age, Widows' and Orphans' Pensions 73,793,000
3. Repayments of National Savings Certificates (including £16,885,000 paid as interest) 53,797,000
4. Sale of National Savings Certificates 50,473,000
5. Sale of Ulster Savings Certificates 436,000
6. Sale of Health and Pensions Insurance Stamps 45,934,000
7. Sale of Unemployment In surance Stamps 28,000,000
8. Sale of Inland Revenue Stamps (not including £2,384,597 paid to Inland Revenue Department for Postage Stamps used for Inland Revenue purposes) 2,796,000
9. Sale of Licences:
Local Taxation £1,560,000
Road Fund £3,078,000
(excluding Wireless Licences £1,812,171)
10. Sale of Income Tax Stamps 121,000
11. Sale of Entertainment Duty Stamps 312,000

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