HC Deb 09 June 1931 vol 253 cc791-2
29. Mr. A. M. SAMUEL

asked the President of the Board of Trade what steps he has taken to obtain compliance with the 1883 Suez Canal agreement, which provides for the canal transit dues to be reduced to a basis of five francs (gold) when the canal dividend has reached 25 per cent.?


His Majesty's Government has, from time to time, supported in the general interest proposals for reasonable reductions in the Suez Canal dues and, in particular, as my hon. Friend the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade indicated in the Debate on the Adjournment of 22nd May, the Government lent their support to proposals for reduction in the present level of the dues. As regards the precise provisions of the 1883 agreement, however, I would point out that this appears to have been concluded between the Association of Steamship Owners trading with the East on the one hand and the Suez Canal Company on the other. His Majesty's Government were not a party to the agreement, and any question of securing compliance with its terms would appear to be a matter for the shipowners concerned.


Does the right hon. Gentleman say that he is a party to acquiescing in non-compliance with the agreement of 1883?


No, Sir, that cannot be suggested. The last part of the reply makes it clear that the question of compliance really relates to the Suez Canal Company and the shipowners concerned.


If the shipowners apply to the Board of Trade, will the right hon. Gentleman give them support for getting compliance with the 1883 agreement with the help of the British Government?


If that relates to efforts to secure a reduction of dues, we have, of course, already done that.