HC Deb 09 July 1931 vol 254 c2271
69. Mr. HICKS

asked the Minister of Agriculture how many public-houses, beer houses, hotels, and clubs licensed to sell alcoholic liquors are located on Crown lands or other land belonging to the Crown Lands Department or the Commissioners of Woods and Forests; and what is the total amount of revenue received from occupiers of such premises?


I have been asked to reply. On lands under the charge of the Commissioners of Crown Lands there are 90 public-houses, beerhouses and hotels bringing in a total rental of about £67,200 per annum. In addition, rent is paid to the Commissioners in respect of a considerable number of club premises in London and elsewhere which they presume are registered under the Licensing Acts.


Can the hon. Gentleman say whether Carlisle is included in the survey which has been taken?


I could not say.

Viscountess ASTOR

Does not the hon. Gentleman think that it would be a good thing for this Government to put these houses into the hands of people who would not sell drink for profit?