HC Deb 26 January 1931 vol 247 cc589-90
17. Mr. AYLES

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he can make a statement upon the policy of the Government at the forthcoming General Disarmament Conference in relation to the question of giving guarantees of military assistance to nations that are attacked in return for a general measure of disarmament?


My hon. Friend will not expect me to forecast at this distance of time the exact policy which His Majesty's Government may adopt at the Conference. This country is, of course, bound by certain obligations under the Covenant of the League, and I need hardly add that His Majesty's Government have not the slightest intention of evading them.


Can my hon. Friend say, whether, when the representative of His Majesty's Government at Geneva at the Preparatory Commission on Disarmament—Lord Cecil—stated at the end of December that at the next Conference we may have to give guarantees of this character in order to secure general disarmament, he was speaking on behalf of the Government or on behalf of himself


I do not recall any such statement by Lord Cecil at the Preparatory Commission.


It was broadcast in December.


But the answer to the question on the Paper is as I have given it.