HC Deb 26 January 1931 vol 247 cc590-1

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what was the amount contributed by each country to the expenses of the League of Nations during the last financial year?


As the answer contains a number of figures, I will circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Will the hon. Gentleman be good enough to toll the House whether in those figures there is not a larger proportion paid towards the cost of the League of Nations by this country than by any other country?


Yes, Sir; that must be so in any statement of figures regarding these contributions, but that has been so ever since the League of Nations was founded, and the sum is a very small one indeed compared with many other sums paid by the British taxpayer.


Is it not a fact that the last War cost this nation more than any other nation?


Yes, Sir.

Following is the answer:

According to the latest returns the following payments have been made in respect of the yar 1930, but the final figures for the year are not yet available:

Gold francs.
Abyssinia (entire contribution) 55,914.09
Australia (on account) 611,334.89
Austria (entire contribution) 224,731.58
Belgium (entire contribution) 491,195.72
Canada (entire contribution) 954,776.51
Colombia (on account) 44,321.70
Czechoslovakia (entire contribution) 792,543.58
Denmark (entire contribution) 326,496.02
Estonia (on account) 61,844.54
Finland (on account) 205,507.71
France (on account) 1,637,547.—
Germany (entire contribution) Great Britain (entire contribution) 2,227,110.01
Greece (entire contribution) 189,854.91
Haiti (entire contribution) 25,547.98
Hungary (on account) 166,60[...].89
India (entire contribution) 1.532,865.20
Irish Free State (on account) 209,677.62
Italy (on account) 1,235,232.22
Japan (on account) 1,521,565.85
Latvia (entire contribution) 82,005.40
Liberia (on account) 24,458.39
Lithuania (on account) 27,545.52
Luxemburg (entire contribution} 26,552.—
Netherlands (entire contribution) 629,732.30
New Zealand (entire contribution) 275,279.74
Nicaragua (on account) 4,670.45
Norway (entire contribution) 242,523.56
Poland (on account) 668,082.45
Portugal (entire contribution) 158,785.88
Rumania (entire contribution) 596,921.81
Spain (entire contribution) 1,096,318.05
Siam (entire contribution) 247,088.47
South Africa (entire contribution) 403,598.96
Sweden (entire contribution) 489,743.85
Switzerland (entire, contribution) 463,004.48
Venezuela (entire contribution) 136,743.22
Yugoslavia (entire contribution) 545,368.68