§ 82. Dr. HASTINGSasked the Minister of Health what steps are taken by his Department to ensure that the fair wages clause in contracts for building subsidy houses is observed and the men employed paid the standard local rates?
§ Mr. GREENWOODOne of the conditions to which the grant of subsidy under the Housing (Financial Provisions) Act, 1924, is subject, is that the local authority shall undertake that a fair wages clause shall be inserted in the contract for the construction of the houses. The observance of the terms of the contract is primarily a matter for the contracting local authority, and I have no reason to suppose that their responsibility is not generally properly discharged. I receive very few complaints and they are ordinarily adjusted as a result of correspondence with the local authority.
§ Dr. HASTINGSWhat course is a workman to take if he feels that he is not being paid the right standard of wages?
§ Mr. GREENWOODI think he ought to appeal to his trade union. If the hon. Member has any case in mind and will let me know, I will have an investigation made.
§ Captain CROOKSHANKCan the right hon. Gentleman say if this applies to timber imported from Russia?