HC Deb 18 February 1931 vol 248 cc1235-6

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies if he is aware that the Church of Scotland mission in Kenya makes it a condition that no teacher in its employ shall belong to certain political associations; and whether he will issue instructions that no grants from public funds shall be made to that mission until it withdraws its claim to influence the political affiliations of such of its employés as are paid, in whole or in part, from such funds?


No, Sir. I am not aware that this is so, but my Noble Friend will inquire of the Governor of Kenya as to the position, and on receipt of the Governor's reply, I will communicate with my hon. Friend.


Is my hon. Friend aware that the point is dealt with in the report for 1929 of the Director of Education in Kenya, and, in these circumstances, will he draw the attention of certain Free Church representatives in this country to this acceptance of what is apparently public money by a Protestant church without public control?


My hon. Friend does not perhaps realise that his proposal is rather a dangerous one. If the lever of educational grants is used for a question of this kind, it might be used in some directions that my hon Friend would not approve. The main consideration for these grants is the educational efficiency of the institutions to which they are given.


Is it not a fact that the cause of the difference of opinion between the Church of Scotland Mission in Kenya and one of the political associations in the Kikuyu country is connected with a particularly barbarous practice affecting outrages on women?

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