§ Standing Order 4, lines 2.5 and 26, leave out "parish or parishes in which it is situate," and insert "city, borough (metropolitan or other), or urban or rural district, and, in the case of a rural district, the parish or parishes in which it is situate, together with an estimate of the area of so much of the surface of such common or commonable land as is proposed to be taken or used compulsorily; and."
Standing Order 4, line 26, at end, insert as a new paragraph,—
(e) in the case of a Bill authorising the taking or compulsory user of the surface of any public park or public open space situate wholly or partly in any city, borough (metropolitan or other), or urban district, or of any protected square mentioned in the Schedule to the London Squares Preservation Act, 1931, the name or description of the park, open space or protected square, and of the city, borough (metropolitan or other), or urban district in which it is situate, together with an estimate of the area of so much of the surface of such park, open space, or protected square as is proposed to be taken or used compulsorily.
Standing Order 39, at end, insert as a new paragraph,—
(17) Of every Bill affecting property vested in or under the management of the Forestry Commissioners or containing references to the said Commissioners, at the office of the Forestry Commission.
Standing Order 216, at end, insert as a new paragraph,—
Where any such Bill originating in the House of Lords is whilst pending in that House referred to the examiners for examination as to the applicability of and compliance with Standing Orders of that House—
§ Standing Order 275, line 18, leave out "17th day of April," and insert "27th clay of March."
1661§ Line 21, leave out "17th day of December," and insert "27th day of November."
§ Appendix (B), page 258, line 17, leave out "Omnibuses," and insert "Public Service Vehicles."
§ Lines 32 and 33, leave out "Trackless Trolley," and insert "Trolley Vehicle."—[The Chairman of Ways and Means.]