HC Deb 27 November 1930 vol 245 cc1473-4
24. Major THOMAS

asked the Home Secretary what will be the annual cost of maintenance of the proposed police college; how many trainees it will accommodate at one time; and what will be the length of their course?


The proposal I now have under consideration would provide for a two years' course for 50 entrants a year, so that 100 officers would be in residence at a time, apart from senior officers and others attending the college for shorter courses of instruction or for research. It is impossible at present to arrive at any accurate estimate of the cost, but £30,000–£40,000 per annum has been mentioned by the committee who have had the matter under consideration. This would not include the pay of the men and travelling allowances, etc., which may be put at about £35,000 per annum.


Is not the idea of this police college that in future appointments to the rank of chief constable should be made from the police force itself; and will the right hon. Gentleman see that under any plan that is finally approved this objective is attained?


That is one of many ideas. The general purpose of the college is to improve generally the qualifications of the police forces.

37. Lieut.-Colonel ACLAND-TROYTE

asked the Home Secretary whether it is proposed to bring in a supplementary Estimate for the expenditure which will be incurred on the proposed police college?


No decision has been reached with regard to the adoption of the proposals before me, and no question of providing funds arises, therefore, for the present.

Lieut.-Colonel ACLAND-TROYTE

Has the right hon. Gentleman seen the report of a resolution on this subject passed by the County Councils Association, and will he consult the county councils before coming to any decision on this matter?


I have not seen the resolution, but no doubt it will be brought before me in due course.