HC Deb 08 May 1930 vol 238 c1097

asked the Minister of Labour if she is aware that three Germans who were given permits to enter employment in this country as engineers are now engaged as scissors grinders with a Sheffield firm (George Westonholme's); if the union concerned has been consulted on the matter; if she is aware that men capable of performing the work these men are engaged upon are signing on at the Employment Exchange; and whether she proposes to take any steps in the matter?

The MINISTER of LABOUR (Miss Bondfield)

In January, 1930, permits were issued to employ for limited periods two German engineers, for the purpose of erecting and perfecting new machinery for grinding and finishing scissors, which has been designed and patented by their father. It is understood that the work is in the experimental stage. When this stage is past, British subjects will be taught to operate the machines, the use of which will, it is anticipated, lead to the employment of further British subjects.