HC Deb 05 June 1930 vol 239 cc2371-2
80 and 81. Viscount WOLMER

asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) whether Czechoslovakia and Poland have ratified the Prohibitions Abolition Convention;

(2) whether this country is now bound by the Prohibitions Abolition Convention; and, if so, what is the earliest date by which it can be relieved of its obligations under that Convention?


Neither Czechoslovakia nor Poland has ratified the Convention, but both Governments have asked the other signatories to consent to the prolongation till 20th June, 1930, of the period during which their ratifications may be deposited. If general agreement on this matter is reached, and if both States ratify, the Convention will continue in force, subject to certain conditions, until 1st January, 1935. Otherwise, it will be open to this country to withdraw on 30th June, 1931.

Viscount WOLMER

Do the Government propose to agree to extending the time for ratification?


I do not reply to the question in that form, because everything depends upon what happens in the extended period, which will be approximately three weeks—to the 20th June.