HC Deb 02 June 1930 vol 239 c1765
57. Mr. DENMAN

asked the First Commissioner of Works what arrangements have, been made to preserve the land between Hadrian's Wall and the vallum from destruction by quarrying?


asked the First Commissioner of Works if he can now make any statement as to the Government's decision with regard to Hadrian's Wall?


The Government have given the question of the proposed quarrying near Hadrian's Wall their most careful attention and have come to the conclusion that, if the quarrying could be confined to a limited area, the result would be that no serious harm would be done, and the way be left open for the preservation of the surroundings of the remaining stretch of the wall. Negotiations will proceed with this end in view. I should like to emphasise the fact that neither the wall nor the vallum is in any danger of being actually touched or damaged by the quarrying operations. At the same time, hon. Members will be glad to know that a, Bill is in course of preparation which would give my Department adequate powers to protect the surroundings of ancient monuments, including, of course, the Roman Wall.