HC Deb 24 July 1930 vol 241 cc2376-7

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is prepared to set up a Scottish consultative committee representative of the Scottish local authorities to deal with unemployment relief schemes in Scotland and the contributions made from the State towards such purposes, and to provide a simpler form of machinery, either through the Department of Health for Scotland or otherwise, for enabling Scottish unemployment relief schemes and the grants payable for such purposes to be adjusted in Scotland?


I am not clear what exactly the hon. and learned Member has in view, but I may inform him that my right hon. Friend is at the present time discussing with the Ministry of Labour various suggestions for expediting consideration of Scottish unemployment relief schemes.


Is the hon. Gentleman not aware that the suggestion was made at a recent conference of local authorities in Scotland that such a consultative committee should be set up as is suggested in the question? Is he also aware of the desire that unemployment relief schemes should be accelerated by short-circuiting the method of procedure?


Yes, Sir, we know that such a suggestion was made, but the hon. and learned Member's question includes a suggestion that contributions made from the Treasury should be under the control of this consultative committee, and I would draw his attention to the fact that Scotland does not get its grants from the Goschen proportion.


Is the hon. Gentleman not aware that in the wording of the question there is no suggestion of control, and that it is purely a question of adjusting?

Miss LEE

If the Under-Secretary of State cannot set up new machinery, will he at least try to make the existing machinery work a little better, as there is not a single scheme in the whole of the West of Scotland for unemployed women?


The first of the two points put by the hon. Lady is answered in the reply that I have already given, where it is said that my right hon. Friend is discussing the whole question with the Ministry of Labour with a view to expediting Scottish unemployment schemes. The question of particular schemes in the West of Scotland depends largely on the application of the local authorities concerned.