HC Deb 18 July 1930 vol 241 cc1712-4

Amendment made: In page 75, line 32, leave out the words "of fitness."—[Mr. Herbert Morrison.]


I beg to move, in page 76, line 16, at the end, to insert the words: (1) for providing that any provisions of this Part of this Act shall, in relation to public service vehicles brought into Great Britain for the purpose of carrying persons making only a temporary stay therein, have effect, subject to such modifications and adaptations as may be prescribed. It is necessary that the Minister should be able by regulations to meet the case of motor coaches coming from abroad for the purpose of making a tour of the country. The interchange of traffic of this nature between different countries is governed by international conventions, which are reciprocal in their operation, and the Minister must be in position by regulation to implement any undertaking made in such Conventions.


As the Minister has in this Clause power to make all sorts of regulations in regard to public service vehicles in this country, will he enforce such regulations on vehicles coming into this country? There is a growing tendency for large vehicles carrying many passengers to come from one country to another, and it would not be fair if they were allowed to compete in our home markets under a system of regulations which were not so good as regulations in this country.


Clearly I should be guided by the circumstances of the case and the particular modification which is asked. It will be seen by the wording of the Amendment that I am not bound to waive any British safety standards that may exist, but there are some things that could safely be waived in the interests of international trade. In making or not making modifications, I shall be guided particularly by considerations of safety, and then by considerations of the interests of British motor coaches, which, under the international conventions, would have reciprocal facilities for going abroad.

Amendment agreed to.


I beg to move, in page 76, line 16, after the words last inserted to insert the words: and provisions to insure the safety of the public against risks from fire. I raised this question before, because there is not a word in the whole Bill in regard to the danger of fire. With all the inflammable spirit which there is in motor cars, they are liable to set fire not only to themselves, but to other property and other cars; and especially with regard to public service vehicles, there is a great danger to the public. I beg the Minister to lay down in the Regulations provisions against the risks of fire.


I beg to second the Amendment.


It is true that the word "fire" does not appear this Bill, but as I explained to the hon. Member in Committee, we are drafting an Act of Parliament and not an election address. Under Clause 93, paragraph (k) I have power to make Regulations for the equipment to be carried by public service vehicles. That equipment will definitely include fire appliances, and the House may be assured that I shall certainly make Regulations requiring public service vehicles to carry fire appliances. I did not, however, want to put in redundant words, because they might involve me in ultimate difficulty.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

It being Four of the Clock, further Consideration of the Bill, as amended, stood adjourned.

Bill, as amended (in the Standing Committee), and not amended on re-committal, to be further considered upon Monday next.