§ 48. Captain EDENasked the Secretary of State for India whether the services of the Indian defenders of Datta Khel fort in the recent fighting have been recognised; and, if so, in what way?
§ Mr. BENNSince the hon. and gallant Member asked a question on 7th July, I have received a copy of the "Gazette of India," showing that the Indian Order of Merit, Second Class, has been awarded to two subadars and one jemadar, and the Indian Distinguished Service Medal to one havildar and two sepoys. I will circulate extracts from this Gazette which set out the gallantry and devotion to duty 1276 displayed by these Indian officers and men.
§ Following are extracts from the Gazette of India dated 14th June, 1930:
§ No. 290.—H.E. the Viceroy and Governor-General is pleased to sanction the following rewards for service in Waziristan:—
§ Awarded the Indian, Order of Merit, 2nd Class.
§ Subdr. Saidu, Tochi Scouts.
§ For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty at Datta Khel between the 11th and 15th May, 1930.
§ This Indian officer was in command of the Tochi Scouts Post at Datta Khel when it was attacked and surrounded by a band of 3,000 hostile tribesmen on the 11th May, 1930. He organised the defence of the post and, by his great skill and gallantry, maintained it intact until relieved on the 15th May.
§ Subdr. Medhi Khan, Tochi Scouts.
§ For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty at Boya on the 11th May, 1930.
§ This Indian officer was in charge of the Tochi Scouts Post at Boya when it was attacked and surrounded by 1,500 hostile tribesmen. He organised the defence of the post and ultimately drove off the enemy.
§ By his own courage and cheerfulness, and by the skilful and soldierlike manner in which he conducted the defence of the post, he set a fine example to all ranks engaged.
§ Jemdr. Faujoon, I.D.S.M., Tochi Scouts.
§ For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty at Datta Khel between the 11th and 15th May, 1930.
§ This Indian officer was second-in-command of the Tochi Scouts Post at Datta Khel when it was attacked and surrounded by 3,000 hostile tribesmen on the 11th May, 1930. By his ready appreciation of the situation when the attack was commenced he rendered the commander the greatest assistance in organising the defence of the post. During the defence of the post from the 11th May, 1930, until it was relieved on the 15th May, 1930, he continually exposed himself to enemy fire in order to get the best effect from the bombs used by the defenders.
1277§ Awarded the Indian Distinguished Service Medal.
§ No. 1672 Hav. Manawar Din, Tochi Scouts.
§ No. 4481 Sepoy Ayam-ud-din, Tochi Scouts.
§ No. 5312 Sepoy Gul Zadah, Tochi Scouts.