HC Deb 15 July 1930 vol 241 c1097

asked the Secretary for Mines how many accidents to miners have occurred during the last 12 months at the Clifton Pit, Nottingham; and how many times during the same period was the pit visited by inspectors of the Department?

The SECRETARY for MINES (Mr. Shinwell)

During the last 12 months, 11 accidents at this colliery, of which four were fatal, have been reported to the inspector. Nine of these accidents were caused by falls of roof or sides. During the same period 24 inspections have been made, of which five were on the surface, 17 were underground, and two were horse inspections. The question of preventing accidents at this colliery has been engaging the close attention of the management and of His Majesty's inspectors, and special steps are being taken which it is hoped will reduce the risk of falls.


Were the figures mentioned in the reply communicated by the officials of this colliery, or were they collected from independent official sources?


I rather imagine that they are collected from information supplied by the colliery, but they are carefully checked.