HC Deb 08 July 1930 vol 241 cc351-2

I beg to move, in page 28, line 15, to leave out from the first word "in" in line 15, to the word "as" in line 16, and to insert instead thereof the words: condition (c) of the special conditions set out in this Part of this Act and of the sum and period mentioned in Sub-section (2) of the next succeeding section.

9.0 p.m.


This is clearly not a matter of mere wording and is of some importance. It refers to the periodical revision of the scale of contributions for the purposes of subsequent re-housing schemes. If the Amendment is the carrying out of some promise I am willing to accept it, but the Amendment is to leave out certain words and there is to be a complete change of words. I ask the Minister to say why it is necessary to make this considerable change in the Bill. I do not suppose that my party will divide on the Amendment, but we are entitled to a definite answer to our question.


The first part of this Amendment is purely drafting.

Amendment agreed to.