HC Deb 04 December 1930 vol 245 c2370

asked the Minister of Labour the number of aliens that have been allowed to take up employment in this country during the years 1927, 1928, 1929, and up to the latest available date in 1930?


There are no available statistics as to aliens already in the country who take up employment. As regards permits to enable aliens to enter the country and take up employment for limited periods I have had a table prepared which I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the table:

to land as students and have subsequently taken employment have been required to leave the country and have done so. This is a matter which is constantly under the attention of my right hon. Friend. Statistics of these cases are not available, and my right hon. Friend does not think that they could be compiled without entailing an unjustifiable amount of labour and expense.