HC Deb 16 April 1930 vol 237 cc2874-5
3. Mr. GILL

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if in the claims made by this country against the Russian Government there is included the sum of £937 9s. 5d. paid to the Indian Government as the cost of their giving asylum to an insane Russian refugee from Iraq?


The claim to which my hon. Friend refers has been noted for presentation to the Soviet Government when the appropriate time arrives. It is a common practice for His Majesty's Government to present claims of this kind, in respect of assistance rendered from public funds to distressed foreigners, to the foreign Governments concerned.


Is the Under-Secretary aware that this man had been left in Iraq after the War, and after he had fought on our side?


I was not aware of that fact, but I have no doubt that this and other considerations will be taken into account when these claims are dealt with in the course of the negotiations.


In the meanwhile, who is paying the interest on this money?


I am afraid that I must have notice of that question.

4. Mr. GILL

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs the total amount of the claims made by this country against the Russian Government?


As my hon. Friend will be aware from White Paper No. 112, the capital sum owing on the 31st March, 1930, to His Majesty's Government in respect of the debt of the former Imperial Russian Government amounted, with accrued interest, to £962,615,000. In addition, there are some 50,000 private claims of all categories by British claimants registered at, the Board of Trade. Claims expressed in sterling amount to £255,000,000; those expressed in Russian currency to 1,000,000,000 roubles. I would point out, however, that the Board of Trade have no means of verifying these claims and that in many cases private individuals are themselves unable to give precise particulars owing to their inability to recover the documents on which their claims are based.

Major the Marquess of TITCH-FIELD

May I ask whether the ambassadorial plate received by the Bolshevist Government is in this claim?


I must have notice of that question.


Does the hon. Gentleman not know the White Paper from which he quotes?

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