HC Deb 14 November 1929 vol 231 cc2186-8
2. Mr. MILLS

asked the Minister of Labour the number of men and women who have been designated as not genuinely seeking work registered at Woolwich, Erith, and Dartford Employment Exchanges for the month of February and October, respectively?


As the reply includes a number of figures, I will, with my hon. Friend's permission, circulate a statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the statement:


asked the Minister of Labour the percentage of disqualifications, both for not genuinely seeking work and for other causes, to the total number of applications for benefit for the period 9th September to 7th October?


The statistics of disallowance for any period include decisions on claims to benefit which were made before that period, but I will, if I may, circulate in the OFFICIAL REPOBT a statement giving such information as is available.

Following is the statement:

Claims to unemployment benefit, 10th September to 14th October, 1929.

Total fresh and renewal claim's made during period, 923,312.

Claims disallowed:

Not genuinely seeking work:
By Insurance Officers 13,129
By Courts of Referees on 78 days' review cases 5,227
Total 18,356
Percentage of total claims made 2.0
Other grounds:
By Insurance Officers 38,879
By Courts of Referees on 78 days' review cases 9
Total 38,888
Percentage of total claims made 4.2


asked the Minister of Labour how many claims were rejected as not genuinely seeking work at the Camberwell Employment Exchange in October, 1928, and October, 1929, respectively?


During the five weeks 10th September to 14th October, 1929, 89 applications for benefit made at the Camberwell Employment Exchange were disallowed on the ground "not genuinely seeking work." In addition, Courts of Referees recommended for disallowance 18 cases on the same ground on review after payment of 78 days' benefit. The corresponding figures for the four weeks 11th September to 8th October, 1928, were 307 and eight respectively.


asked the Minister of Labour the number of claims, men and) women, which have been disallowed under the not-genuinely-seeking-work disqualification at the Cardiff Exchanges for each month during the present year; and the number of men and women who have been placed in employment through the medium of these Exchanges during the same period?


I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a statement giving the figures desired, as soon as the information can be tabulated.

25. Marquess of TITCHFIELD

asked the Minister of Labour whether any decision has been come to on the question of increasing unemployment insurance benefits?


The proposals of the Government with regard to unemployment benefit will be contained in the Unemployment Insurance Bill, copies of which will, I hope, be in the hands of members to-morrow.

Marquess of TITCHFIELD

May I ask the right hon. Lady whether she has read the powerful speech delivered at Manchester by the hon. Member for Dumbarton?


The right hon. Lady cannot be expected to have considered that to be one of her duties.

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