HC Deb 07 November 1929 vol 231 cc1221-2

asked the Minister of Labour what number and percentage of the workers in this country are employed on conditions as to hours hot less favourable than those contemplated in the Washington Convention of 1919; whether any and, if so, what existing agreements between employers and employed in this country providing for not more than a 48-hour week would be rendered illegal by unconditional ratification of the Convention?


The information available as regard the first part of the question is contained in the Nineteenth Abstract of Labour Statistics and the last Report on Standard Time Rates and Hours of Labour. Broadly speaking, the recognised working week, exclusive of overtime, in the industries of this country does not exceed 48 hours, As regards the second part, the information required could only be given after a detailed examination of the agreements, in association with the parties.


Is it not a fact that the information asked for in the second part of the question is in the possession of the Department which the right hon. Lady represents; and that the agreement of the National Union of Railwaymen is one of the agreements which would be illegal if the Washington Hours Convention were unconditionally ratified?

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