HC Deb 23 July 1929 vol 230 cc1057-8
10. Mr. ALBERY

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether he can now give any further information concerning Charing Cross Bridge?

The MINISTER of TRANSPORT (Mr. Herbert Morrison)

I have been asked to reply. As the outcome of a meeting between the Chairman of the Improvements Committee of the London County Council, representatives of the Southern Railway Company and myself, provisional heads of agreement for the construction of a new Charing Cross Bridge and for the removal of Charing Cross station to the south side of the river, have been settled between the representatives of the council and the railway company with my concurrence. The provisional agreement is subject to the approval of the London County Council and of the shareholders of the railway company. Meetings to arrive at a final decision have been convened both by the council and by the company, and will be held on the 30th of this month. Perhaps I may be permitted to add that I appreciate the efforts of my predecessor in office, the right hon. Gentleman who represents the New Forest Division, and of all the parties to this prolonged negotiation to bring about a satisfactory settlement of so great a scheme of improvement.


Can the hon. Gentleman say how long he thinks it will be before the temporary bridge and the new Charing Cross station are opened?


No, Sir; it is impossible at this stage to answer that question.


Is it not a fact that the original recommendation of the Royal Commission, that the bridge should cross the Strand, has been abandoned, and does the hon. Member approve of this change of policy, which will mean that more traffic will pour into the Strand?


I have already stated that I have concurred in the agreement which has been arrived at.