HC Deb 30 January 1929 vol 224 cc1033-4

"The Minister shall, before the expiration of the second fixed grant period, in consultation with such associations of local authorities as appear to him to be concerned and with any local authority with whom consultation appears to him to be desirable, cause an investigation to be made into the working of the rules contained in Parts III and IV of the Fourth Schedule to this Act, and of the provisions of paragraph (b) of Sub-section (1) of Section 80 of this Act, and shall cause a report of the result of the investigation to be laid before Parliament."—[Sir K. Wood.]

Brought up, and read the First time.


I beg to move, "That the Clause be read a Second time."

The local authorities in the course of their negotiations with the Government suggested that proposals should be made for the investigation by the Minister, in consultation with the local authorities, into the working of the formula, and the scheme of county distribution before the end of seven years. This is provided for in the Clause, and provision is also made that the investigations should cover the special distribution within the county of London, and also that a report of the result of the investigation should be laid before Parliament. I do not think that there is much necessity for me to make any further observations on these proposals. I think that they may commend themselves to many Members of the Com- mittee who perhaps are critics of the proposals, because they ensure that before the end of seven years, there will be a complete investigation into the two matters which I have mentioned. This Clause I hope really disposes of such objections as are made as to the future operation of the scheme. My right hon. Friend and those who have responsibilities in these matters consider that at the end of a reasonable period a full investigation should be made into these matters. Obviously, if there is any matter which requires alteration after such an investigation, this will ensure that the result will come before Parliament.

Local authorities generally, I think, have expressed their willingness to undertake their new responsibilities, and I have no doubt they will carry out this new scheme to the best of their ability and with a view to making it a success, and at the end of this period we shall be able to see whether all the gloomy forecasts which have been made by the hon. Gentleman whom I see opposite me once again to-night have been justified, but I think this particular proposal will not meet with any objections in any part of the Committee, because it does ensure the investigation which the local authorities desire, and which those who are re-sponsible for this measure welcome, at the end of seven years' working of the scheme.


I think we need not detain the Committee very long over this new Clause. I welcome it, and I welcome it because it has really destroyed the whole scheme. The 15 years' scheme, which has theoretically been extended to 17 years, is now to die at the end of seven years. For that relief we are very grateful, and that is why I propose to ask my hon Friends to join with me in welcoming this Clause.

Clause read a Second time, and added to the Bill.