HC Deb 18 February 1929 vol 225 c772
53. Mr. SNELL

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that an agreement entered into during 1921 between His Majesty's Treasury and the staffs concerned as to the number of posts above the male lower clerical class in the Post Office Savings Bank was maintained by a further agreement signed in June, 1927, after an investigation of the necessities of the work of the Department, which took into account the introduction of office machinery and improved methods, together with the diminution of work on Government stock services; and, seeing that after an examination of the work of the Post Office Savings Bank by two officials of His Majesty's Treasury it is now proposed to reduce the higher complements by the eventual downgrading of some 50 posts, thus reducing the prospects of advancement of clerical officers, will he investigate the matter with a view to the maintenance of undertakings entered into with the staffs?

Viscount WOLMER

I have been asked to answer this question. The complements of Government Departments are always subject to review, in order to ensure that due economy of staff is maintained. Certain proposals have been made for an adjustment of the staff of the Savings Bank Department; and the matter is at present the subject of discussion on the local Whitley Committee.

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