HC Deb 18 February 1929 vol 225 c775
39. Mr. W. THORNE

asked the Minister of Labour if he is aware of the short notice sent to persons to attend the court of referees at Motherwell; that in the case of Mr. William Sneddon, of Glasgow, the notice to appear before the court on 24th January, 1929, was not received until the previous day, and that the appellant was unable to consult with his trade union official in consequence; and if he will state the reason for the delay in notification?


(Mr. Betterton): The minimum notice under the instructions is 24 hours. Longer notice is given where practicable, but it would not be in the interests of claimants to fix a longer minimum, owing to the delay that would be caused in the hearing of appeals. I am informed that notice was sent to Mr. Sneddon on 22nd January to attend in the afternoon of 24th January, thus giving him the full 24 hours' notice.