HC Deb 19 November 1928 vol 222 c1360

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the Government of Kenya Colony has accepted a resolution of the unofficial members of the Legislative Council calling for the alienation of more land for white settlement; whether any Bill to this effect has been submitted to His Majesty's Government for approval; and whether, before accepting the proposals, he will take note of the fears of the representatives of the native interests that the land available for the future extension of native reserves will thereby be restricted?


I understand that the resolution referred to was carried in the Legislative Council of Kenya. The answer to the second part of the question is in the negative. The hon. Member may rest assured that in the consideration of any such proposals the interests of the natives would not be overlooked, and I may point out that the mover of the resolution made it clear that the motion confines itself entirely to those areas which could be made available without involving any question of native rights.