HC Deb 19 November 1928 vol 222 cc1363-4
21. Mr. DAY

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the names of the Colonies or Protectorates that have not yet replied to the communication addressed to their Governors on the subject of the introduction of legislation that would give effect to the Clauses contained in the Cinematograph Films Act, 1927?


With the hon. Member's permission I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list showing the Colonies and Protectorates that have not yet replied.


Is it not a fact that some of the Colonies have replied that legislation cannot be usefully introduced locally to embody the principles of this Act?


I think my right hon. Friend gave an answer to this question last week.


What I am trying to find out is how the right hon. Gentleman reconciles these replies with the promises made to this House when the Cinematograph Films Act was introduced, that the Colonies would give certain protection for British films.


I should like to look at the exact words. All that my right hon. Friend undertook to do was to draw the attention of the Colonial Governments to the legislation which we were passing and to ask them whether in the local circumstances it was feasible to apply similar provisions in their countries.

Following is the list:

It should be explained that the communication addressed to the Governors, etc., did not specifically call for a reply, but merely enclosed a copy of the Cinematograph Films Act, 192, together with a copy of the regulations issued there-under by the Board of Trade, for information and for consideration as to how far some or all of the provisions of the Act could usefully be embodied in local Colonial legislation in the near future.