HC Deb 02 May 1928 vol 216 cc1711-2

asked the Minister of Labour if he has considered the opening of an office in the city of Glasgow for the purpose of dealing with the Trade Boards Acts; and, if so, what action he proposes to take?


Under existing arrangements inquiries and complaints about Trade Board matters can be made orally at any Exchange or in writing to the Headquarters Office in Edinburgh, and a local interview with an inspector is readily arranged wherever necessary. In these circumstances, I do not think it is necessary to incur the expense of a special office at Glasgow.


As a new Exchange is being built, would it not be quite easy to place a portion of that building at the disposal of the Trade Boards inspector, in view of the fact that Glasgow is the only large industrial centre in Britain without such an office.


The answer to the hon. Member's question is that if we keep the inspector in an office in Glasgow, he will not be doing his work of inspection elsewhere. We think we can more usefully utilise his services in the work which he has been appointed to do, namely, inspection. As I have said here, a local interview with the inspector can be arranged for whenever any person desires such an interview.


But is the hon. Gentleman aware that large industrial cities such as Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool ail have offices to deal with this subject, and that Glasgow is the only large industrial town which has not such an office; and will he not consider the advisability of bringing Glasgow into line with these other cities?


I am not aware that Glasgow is the only large industrial town which has not an office of this kind. This is really a question of utilising the money at our disposal to the best advantage, and at the present time we feel we are best utilising it in the way which I have indicated.


Is it not the fact that wherever there is a member of a Trade Board, they can give any information that is required?


No doubt they can give all the information that is wanted.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that Glasgow is the centre of a much bigger industrial area than Edinburgh, and, if there is only to be one office of this kind, would he not consider having it in Glasgow instead of Edinburgh?


I am aware, of course, that Glasgow is a larger centre than Edinburgh, but I am not saying at the moment, at any rate, that that is a sufficient reason for changing this office from Edinburgh.

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