HC Deb 22 March 1928 vol 215 cc538-9
37. Mr. W. THORNE

asked the Minister of Health the amount, of the Poor Law grant allocated to the ex-West Ham Board of Guardians for the year ending March, 1926, and the amounts allocated to the present West Ham Poor Law Commissioners for the years ending March, 1927 and 1928?


The grants paid to the guardians of the West Ham Union out of the Exchequer Contribution Accounts of county and county borough councils in respect of the maintenance of lunatics in county and borough asylums, the cost of union officers and the remuneration of teachers in Poor Law schools amounted in the year ended March, 1926, to £33,156. The corresponding figure for the year ended March, 1927, was £43,273. The figure for the year ending March, 1928, is not yet available.

38. Mr. W. THORNE

asked the Minister of Health the amount of principal and interest paid by the West Ham Poor Law Commissioners in respect to the repayment of loans for the half-years ending Lady Day, 1927, and Michaelmas, respectively; and what is the amount due to be paid in accordance with the agreement made between the Commissioners and his Department for the periods mentioned?


The amounts in respect of loans paid by the West Ham Poor Law Guardians on 31st March, 1927, and 30th September, 1927, were £58,272 5s. 2d. and £138,000, respectively. These sums represent the amounts due on these dates in accordance with the arrangements made with the guardians.


Is it not a fact that for one half-year at any rate the Commissioners did not pay any principal or interest and therefore they have not paid in accordance with the agreement?


The question was what is the amount due to be paid in accordance with the agreement, and I have answered that question.


As a matter of fact, what they ought to have done was to pay so much interest, and in consequence of it not being paid for that half-year they are in arrears.