HC Deb 14 June 1928 vol 218 cc1149-50
15. Mr. RILEY

asked the Home Secretary the names of the seven textile firms in the West Riding of Yorkshire to whom permits have been given to employ young persons on the two-shift system, and the number of young persons covered by the permit in each case; and whether the consent of the workpeople was obtained before permits were granted?


As the answer to this question is an elaborate one, giving full details, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Is it not a condition of granting these Orders that the consent of the workmen or their organisation should be obtained, and has such consent been obtained in these eases?


The consent of the majority of the workpeople concerned was obtained in each case before the Order was granted.

Following is the answer:

The following are the names:—

The Orders do not limit the number of young persons who may be employed under them, but the numbers which the firms proposed to employ at the time they applied for permission, were respectively as follows:—

As required by the Act, the consent of the majority of the workpeople concerned was obtained in each case before the Order was granted.