§ 45. Colonel HOWARD-BURYasked the Prime Minister whether he can give the figures of the numbers of ex-service men in Ireland who were emigrated in 1919 to 1922; and what further number were fit and willing to emigrate but owing to political events became debarred from the advantages of the British emigration policy of assisted passages
§ Mr. BETTERTONI have been asked to answer this question. As regards the first part of the question, the records of assisted passages granted to ex-service men during 1919–1922 do not distinguish between Ireland and Great Britain, and separate figures are not therefore available. As regards the second part of the question, no information is available to enable me to give a detailed reply.
§ Colonel HOWARD-BURYIs not my hon. Friend aware that a very large number of ex-service men who would make excellent emigrants are desirous of emigrating to-day, and can he not bring them under the assisted passages scheme
§ Mr. BETTERTONI should like to give a considered and reasoned reply to this question, but not in answer to a supplementary question.
§ Mr. HANNONIs it not a fact that these Irish ex-service men have a definite claim upon this country, and will the hon. Gentleman give immediate consideration to the necessity for doing something for them
§ Mr. BETTERTONI will bring to the notice of my right hon. Friend the remarks of my hon. Friend.
§ 48. Mr. COUPERasked the Prime Minister what financial assistance His Majesty's Government will be prepared to give towards the promotion of emigration schemes to Canada; whether any change is contemplated in the present contributory basis as between the Dominion and Home Governments; and whether any request for increased assistance has been received by the British Treasury from the Dominion authorities?
§ Mr. BETTERTONWith regard to the first part of my hon. Friend's question I would refer him to the reply to the question asked by him on the 14th November, and also to the Report of the Overseas 500 Settlement Committee for 1926, Cmd. 2847. No change is contemplated in the basis of financial co-operation by His Majesty's Government in Great Britain as prescribed by the Empire Settlement Act, which is that the contribution of the Secretary of State shall not in any case exceed one-half of the expenses. No request involving a departure from this basis has been received from the Dominion Government.