HC Deb 15 November 1927 vol 210 cc817-8

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if his attention has been drawn to the position of the Militia Family Fund in Perthshire; if he is aware that a sum of over £1,568 was raised by public assessment in the year 1824 for the relief of the widows and orphans of Perthshire militiamen; that this money was diverted to other purposes than that for which it was raised; whether any proposals had been made to secure his assent to a transference of the remaining balance in the fund for county council purposes and the relief of rates; and what steps, if any, he can take to ensure proper administration of the fund?


My attention has been called to this matter in connection with a Provisional Order promoted by the County Council of Perthshire for the purpose of transferring the county buildings to the county council. A local assessment was levied in the early part of last century for the payment of allowances to the wives and families of serving militiamen, and according to my information the sum of £1,568 mentioned in the question represented moneys raised by such assessment in Perthshire in excess of the requirements. By directions given in 1817 by the Commissioners for Highways, Bridges and Ferries, this fund was made available for the purposes of the county buildings which were erected about that time. This fund is now represented by £1,500 4 per cent. railway debenture stock. It is proposed that this fund should be applicable subject to any debts and liabilities affecting it for the maintenance, repair or improvement of the county buildings or for the construction or maintenance of new or additional buildings for the transaction of the business of the county council. Provision to this effect will be embodied in the Provisional Order which will be submitted to Parliament in due course.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say what proportion of this fund, which was raised by assessment for the dependants of militiamen, has been used for over a century for the maintenance of the county hunt ball room?


I cannot without notice.


Has the right hon. Gentleman's attention not been officially drawn to these matters?


Yea, Sir; I have had the question drawn to my attention.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that a considerable proportion of this fund, which was raised for soldiers' dependants, has been used for the maintenance of the county hunt ball room for a century?


Has the Secretary of State for Scotland been at this ball?

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