HC Deb 10 November 1927 vol 210 cc365-6
69. Mr. ALBERY

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that the Dutch auxiliary motor vessel "Adelaar," of Rotterdam, on 14th October last, collided with Westminster Bridge; and whether, seeing that these foreign vessels are under no obligation to take on board pilots or licensed water-men and in view of the difficulties of navigation in this part of the river, he is prepared to recommend the enforcement of some form of pilotage on foreign vessels?


The answer is rather long, and my hon. Friend will perhaps agree to my circulating it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

My attention has been called to the collision mentioned by my hon. Friend. The Board of Trade have no jurisdiction in regard to pilotage in that part of the River Thames where the collision took place, as it is outside the limits of the London Pilotage District, which do not extend beyond London Bridge. On the information at present before me, I am not prepared to recommend the Pilotage Authority to apply for powers to extend the limits of their district in order that compulsory pilotage should be enforced on vessels of this size in the part of the river referred to. The "Adelaar" is only 268 tons gross, and vessels under 3,500 tons gross not carrying passengers and plying within home trade limits are exempt from compulsory pilotage in the London district as at present constituted. Moreover, treaty obligations would prevent the removal of this exemption unless it applied to British ships as well as to foreign-owned vessels.